Limited Edition of Digital Collages
3 Copies per Artwork
I invite you into a phantasmagorical world. A world of fairies and monsters that make us think—a reflection of our dark thoughts, states of being, dreams, and imagination, the states we place ourselves in, contrary to our nature.
Ghosts, or The Ephemeral Mother Effect, was born the day after the most terrifying nightmare of my life.
One night, I saw myself descending to the depths of the ocean—or was it the sea?
To recover my own mother from the bottom of the sea.
There she was, peacefully lying still, motionless, asleep for eternity.
When I woke from this dreadful dream, it felt as if I were gasping for air, as though I had swallowed the salty water of the sea, its bitter aftertaste lingering in my mouth throughout the night.